Tag: "web development"
Memo: “Refactoring — Not on the backlog!”
An amazing article about how to approach refactoring in a codebase
November 21, 2019 – Tags: refactoring / technical debt / web development -
Let There Be Peace on CSS
A talk on a war that is dividing the CSS community, made in the name of the “separation of concerns”, and a peace that is starting to see the light, thanks to bright minds and passionate developers
October 1, 2017 – Tags: CSS / Front-End / Quotes / Speaker / Talk / web development -
Classes (and IDs) aren’t owned by CSS
January 21, 2017 – Tags: Coding / CSS / Front-End / HTML / Javascript / Quotes / web development -
To BEM or not to BEM
A series of interviews on BEM methodology
May 12, 2016 – Tags: CSS / Front-End / web components / web development -
Modules, Components and Systems
The building blocks of the web are small components, but you need a systemic view to win his inherent complexity
July 27, 2015 – Tags: Coding / Design / Front-End / react / web components / web development -
Web, tools and walls
Are we building the web, or digging a hole around it?
June 2, 2015 – Tags: Front-End / future / HTML / Tools / web development